Friday, June 26, 2009

lyn xie was so weird...=.="

lyn xie was really really weird yesterday!! she told us about some kinda jay chou thing that was so damn funny. i got everything but i just don't get the funny part. i have no idea how her brain works. she told me and yue jen about this jay chou movie or something name secret. saying its about a girl using her finger to poke jay chou's face from the back. she say very funny. she demo on me. me and yue jen was like huh? we laughed a little cos there was noting funny about that thing. and it was a movie!!

then i did it on yue jen. we burst out 'laughing'! fake la ofc. then we started talking that the cast is gonna be longer of the movie oso longer. the movie of that thing just take a few seconds. thats because lyn xie told us that the movie only contains that part. then we say the part where they show the starring people also longer then the movie scene. and the last part where they show all the editor's name also longer. haha.

and then we chaged it. maybe it wasn't that short. maybe they only did the hand poking thing but all in different scene la. the movie, as lyn xie say its funny, i don't get it.! its so boring.... there's always something weird about lyn xie. and now i know what it is. lyn xie laugh at something boring. lyn xie is a weird girl. no more. can't remember. bye


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